3 Promises from Psalm 3 / by Izzi Ray

When the enemy is circling around you, when your world is falling apart, when everything is opposing you and road blocks multiply every time you blink... 

  But you are a shield around me, O Lord; My glory and the lifter of my head. [3] ps.3                            

I cry to the Lord with all my might, and HE ANSWERS me from His holy hill. [4] ps.3

Promise 1// He answers.                                                                                                                            

Not only does He hear every prayer, but He answers them.  He is faithful and loving and good and He hears every single cry whether it's feeble or a shout, and He. Will. Answer. 

   I will lie down and sleep; I wake again because THE LORD SUSTAINS ME. [5] ps.3

Promise 2// He sustains.                                                                                                                     

Our strength and our health is so unimpressive... It fails. All the time. We are so weak on our own, and that is completely ok because He sustains us! Don't pray for the struggles to just poof away, pray that God would use it to change your heart. He promises to sustain us through every trial and wince of pain. He will carry us through it. 


1. to support, hold, or bear up from below; bear the weight of, as a structure.

2. to keep (a person, the mind, the spirits, etc.) from giving way, as under trial or affliction.

3. to keep up or keep going, as an action or process

   So I will not fear anything that comes into view...                                                                  

Because from the Lord comes DELIVERANCE. Your blessing clothes your people! [6/8] ps.3

Promise 3// He delivers.                                                                                                                        

He is faithful to sustain you through the trial to the end and He will deliver you. Salvation belongs to God and real help only comes from Him. The battle belongs to the Lord, He has already won! He defeated death and has paid for every sin and taken away our guilt and shame! He is so completely trustworthy so I will live with arms lifted high and hands open through every "detour" and "delay" that was not apart of MY plan. Because it is not my plan anyways. 

   Call out to Him, He will answer. Let Him carry you and trust Him to sustain you. And He will deliver you.

He is faithful.